Monday, December 23, 2013

Mouldy home anger double bill

Lancashire Telegraph: Mould in house, man points

Portsmouth News: Mould in house, man doesn't point

Nice socks, not-pointing bloke

Spotter's Badges: Karen, Jon


Rob J said...

Pointing can be helpful such as in the top pic, just so we can be sure where exactly the damp is.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Would never have noticed it if he was not pointing.

Haakslad said...

I wish I could moan and get someone to fix my house - oh silly me, I work in the private sector and don't get benefits. Chavscum, the lot of them - I hope they choke on the fungal spores.

Alfalfamale said...

Please Santa, bring me a matching t-shirt and socks just like these.

Santa, Enquiries said...

Dat's a polo shirt.
I'd give you the socks but I'm wearing them.