Aircraft noise anger
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Spotter's Badge: Jessica
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
Posted by
Alistair Coleman
8:20 am
Labels: angry people with fingers in ears, Best of APILN, This is Local London
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
All images copyright their respective media outlets, and will be removed on request.
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Gotta love how there's currently three comments on that story so far, and they're all about cleavage.
Second picture needs a caption...
Hayya 'ala salat
Hayya 'ala salat
Hayya 'ala falah
Hayya 'ala falah
Because of course Heathrow airport was only built after all these people moved into the area. Eh?? What's that you say? The airport was already there? Bloody hell, I wonder how they never noticed when they bought their houses.
Anonymous - You may want to read the article in conjunction with a map ...
The earlier photo in News Shopper is far better.
Bloke in the foreground was so funny that I nearly failed to note another bloke further down the garden.
Noid: I've got that story lined up for a future date, thanks.
Yep, maps shows Brockely is directly beneath the approach for long finals on runway 27. Your point being Kaptain?
Why is the WWE Wrestler the Big Show so angry about planes in Brockley?
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