Wednesday, December 02, 2009

PAEDO-GEDDON shag bands anger

Dorset Echo: Call for sex bracelets to be banned

Oh, the humanity - the horror continues...

Dorset Echo: Parents horror as paedogeddon strikes Weymouth

At this point in proceedings, and as the angry family huddles in the corner of the living room, I'd just like to say that I'm not really a welder, you know.

Spotter: Chris Davies


Anonymous said...

Can you get them for dogs? My mutt is up for anything.

p.s. Is purple for humping the AVON lady's leg? I'll try it, see if it works.

isolator42 said...

Love it.
5 minutes on Google would've told 'em this has been doing the rounds as an urban myth since 2003.
But no, let's not let the truth get in the way of a good bit of pointless scare-mongering.


Alistair Coleman said...

Isolator: It's a small-town local paper. "Locals fall for six-year-old scam" isn't a story.

Watergirl said...

Why not just sport a fashionable teenage baby bump? Then everyone knows EXACTLY what you've been up to.

isolator42 said...

yeh, you're right SD.
I've got a real stroppy streak for lazy journalism, so 'scuse the rant... :)