Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Please fix my phone Talk Talk anger

Sunderland Echo: Business dries up after Talk Talk accidentally disconnects salon's phone

Those 80s pop bands are nothing but trouble.

It's tough enough as it is being Nick Knowles' stunt double.

Spotter's Badge: Steve


TRT said...

You've got to expect communication blackouts if you set up shop in the former bunker HQ hideaway of The Tomorrow People.

Unknown said...

Maybe I am naive but isn't there something called call forwarding? Somebody in that shop must have a mobile.

Unknown said...

Why are you having a go at 80s pop bands after all the good some of them have done. Remember when New Order tackled street drunkenness?

Unknown said...

Why are you having a go at 80s pop bands after all the good some of them have done. Remember when New Order tackled street drunkenness?