Time warp anger
Sunshine Coast Daily: Bafflement, bizarre posing as local clock shows the wrong time
Utterly brilliant pose. We demand that the lensman responsible be given the day off.
Spotter's Badge: Rob
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
Sunshine Coast Daily: Bafflement, bizarre posing as local clock shows the wrong time
Utterly brilliant pose. We demand that the lensman responsible be given the day off.
Spotter's Badge: Rob
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
All images copyright their respective media outlets, and will be removed on request.
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Indeed, beautiful wrist action.
...which is a coincidence, because seeing her picture I too -
You can finish that one off yourself.
...which is what I did.
I can't better that off the cuff remark.
I am sure she's upset isolator finished so early ;)
i love the artistic angle though :)
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