Wide car anger
Brentwood Gazette: Woman faces £140 per day in fines as her car is too big to park outside her own home
"I'd park a wide load in her driveway"
Spotter's Badge: Barry
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
Brentwood Gazette: Woman faces £140 per day in fines as her car is too big to park outside her own home
"I'd park a wide load in her driveway"
Spotter's Badge: Barry
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
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I'd recommend she backs up right to the bollards.
"They are not getting a ticket, but I am, possibly twice a day, because my car pokes out by eight inches. It's totally ridiculous. I'm not paying it. I'm prepared to go to court and go all the way."
I'll let her go all the way with something ridiculous that pokes out eight inches, etc
I've got something for her to park on which won't cost her a penny...
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