Car park pothole anger
Coventry Telegraph: Business man slams council over demands to resurface car park
He's doing pretty well - he's sold all but one of his stock
Spotter's Badge: Rob
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
Coventry Telegraph: Business man slams council over demands to resurface car park
He's doing pretty well - he's sold all but one of his stock
Spotter's Badge: Rob
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
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And that's definitely Alfred Molina, or a good look-alike. What's going on? Surely Alfred's made enough money from telly to afford a bit of tarmac. Put the word about and a bunch of pikeys should sort that out for you, toot-de-sweety.
In his position I'd be happy to resurface my forecourt - I'd lay all of the councillors down (end to end, they're all used to being end to end) and then cover them with hot tarmac. Simples.
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