Sunday, February 05, 2012

Blank wall anger

Middlesbrough Gazette: Anger over 30m wall in Middlesbrough street

101 Uses for a Lionel Blair: Wall fondler


  1. Cut windows in it and glaze them with one-way glass so that that the public can see the students in their natural habitat but the students aren't disturbed by the audience.

    The council could install coin-operated shutters to make it into a fund-raising peep-show, possibly with some Pot-Noodle sized feeder arrangement.

  2. RobinOfLocksley11:40 am

    Would be a good picture without Lionel-lookalike in the way.

  3. That's a good, straight lay there at least. The brickies should have left their number.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A blank wall in an urban area.

    Surely more temptation than any self-respecting chav with some stolen spray paint cans can ever be expected to resist.

    Give it a couple of weeks & there'll be a news article complaining about all the graffiti...
