Sunday, February 05, 2012

Blocked footpath anger

Westerham Chronicle: Dog walkers protest as company blocks footpath

Look at the fury on the faces of those hounds. Remember: They're only two missed meals from remembering they're wolves

Spotter's Badge: Rob


  1. It's just another junk-metal light fence, it will respond well to a hacksaw.

  2. RobinOfLocksley11:34 am

    These people should not be obstructed. They need to get out with their dogs so the dogs can poo everywhere so that other people can complain about the poo in the local newspaper. You know it makes sense.

  3. The circle of life, Robin.

    Is it just me, or are the ladies in the red jackets the fit ones? Anyway, I'd block up their rights of way with a stiff erection of my own!
