Long grass anger
This is Lancashire: Kids unable to play football as council fails to cut grass at local park
May I humbly suggest the council offices car park?
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
This is Lancashire: Kids unable to play football as council fails to cut grass at local park
May I humbly suggest the council offices car park?
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
All images copyright their respective media outlets, and will be removed on request.
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(1) Borrow neighbour's lawnmower.
(2) Cut grass
(3) Play football
(4) Present council with bill
(5) Spend it all on crack-sherbet fountains
At that age, *I* had a paper round, lawn-mowing, fence painting round! What has happened to the entrepreneurial spirit of youth nowadays!
Bobby Charlton started with a coke can on cobbled streets and look where that got him! Man up you little urchins.
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