More pothole anger
Epping Forest Guardian: Drivers demand action over six-inch pothole
"I'd give her six-inch pothole action"
Spotter's Badge: Kath
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
Epping Forest Guardian: Drivers demand action over six-inch pothole
"I'd give her six-inch pothole action"
Spotter's Badge: Kath
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
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I'd give her a rim job and then pump up her pneumatic device.
Take a couple of photographs of the pothole showing the diameter and depth, send them to the relevant officer (not the department)of the County Council, by name and suggest a reasonable period of time to have the hole repaired. After that, take that named person to the small claims court for the cost of any damage done to the vehicle. It can also help if your actions are advertised so that others can do exactly the same (SCC limit is £5,000 damages, you don't need a lawyer though the legalities are within the capabilities of anyone able to check the legislation and put their argument succinctly). I've done it several times, won every case and now the local authority seems to take my criticisms or suggestions seriously.
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