Hooning anger
Bunderberg News-Mail: Dad fed up with hooning
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
All images copyright their respective media outlets, and will be removed on request.
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Hoons are back - excellent! Comments are better than the story - someone actually uses the phrase 'the old switcheroo', and another has a link to a funny German clip. Good show!
"What am I doing today? Oh yes! That photgrapher's coming round to take my picture for the local paper.
"Now what shall I wear? Do I go with this smart shirt or this crappy old blue vest? Hmmm, decisions, decisions . . .
"Yep, gonna go with the crappy blue vest."
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