Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wrong fuel anger

Hunts Post: Driver claims petrol station mix-up left him with wrong fuel in van

It's pump five at Tesco in Wisbech. Avoid, if you are mad.

Spotter's Badge: Studley


  1. I thought Ken Livingston always got the Tube.

  2. Anonymous12:25 pm

    A touch of the Jeremy Kyle about the mechanic

  3. RobinOfLocksley1:51 pm

    Hang on. How come there's only this one reported complaint? If it happened to this bloke it must have happened to others.Curious....

  4. "Mr Smith, 63, of Foul Anchor"

    And a new euphemism is born. "Cherie, boil the kettle, would you? Prescott's left a foul anchor in the downstairs bog. I've tried breaking it up with a coat-hanger but it's not shifting"
