Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dirty streets anger

Dover Express: Former street sweeper angry over state of Dover's roads since he gave up the broom

On the bright side: Sandals WITHOUT socks

Spotter's Badge: Tony


  1. The open-toed sandals are an obvious back-lash against years of being forced by elfen safety to wear steelies.

  2. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Some bloke called Mr Johnson who suffers from multiple cerebral bleeds pops into the articler andomly at para 4:

    Former security worker Mr Johnson, who suffers from multiple cerebral bleeds in his brain and can't work, said: "We pay our taxes to these people and they do not seem to be doing a good enough job.

    Who he?

    Anyway, great to see a mature Englishman wearing sandals without socks. Never mind Mr Robinson, when I left my old job it went downhill - it has never been the same since!

  3. Yes, but your old job was brakeman on the Snowdonia Railway.

  4. RobinOfLocksley2:04 pm

    And don't forget the above-average poo-pointing, either; he's positively threatening it! Excellent work!

  5. Anonymous11:44 am

    @TRT -nice one Centurion!
