Monday, October 31, 2011

Memorial/Dog Toilet anger

Dartmouth Today: Sailors' anger as memorial used as dog toilet

Photographer's shadow in picture. A HALLOWE'EN HORROR SHOW

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dangerous pothole anger

Hartlepool Mail: Potholes 'could lead to accident' says local pothole expert

...and the culprit sneaks a look round the corner in the background

Fish theft anger

Shields Gazette: Woman fed up over thefts from fish pond

The first person who says "Don't people grow to look like their pets?" gets a punch up the gills.

New car park anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Residents 'hostile' at new car park

It's a park-and-ride. For a hospital. *facepalm*

Spotter's Badge: @Llanelliboy

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Stained blouse anger

Worcester News: Woman's abject fury after charity shop refuses to sell blouse

Watch and learn, local newspapers of the world. THIS is how you illustrate impotent rage.

Spotter's Badge: Everybody

Dog crap anger

Lisburn Today: Council gets tough on careless dog owners

Possibly the most half-hearted point we have ever seen in two years of collecting these stories. Dreadful. We will remember this travesty when you come up for re-election.

Hairy dog anger

Nottingham Post: Man accused of impersonating police officer, littering after brushing his dog in park

NOTE: "Brushing your dog in the park" is NOT sexy slang

Spotter's Badge: John

Friday, October 28, 2011

Football ban anger

Manchester Evening News: Kids left fed up after footballs banned from school playground

However, darts and competitive vodka drinking still allowed

Spotter's Badge: Maria

Hospital bus anger

Malling Chronicle: Fury as hospital shuttle bus is scrapped

Jebus, that's frightening

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Condom advert anger

Bayside Bulletin: Fury over slightly risqué advertising for condom brand

1. Where the devil are you putting that finger?

2. Why are you dressed like Jean Luc Picard?

Spotter's Badge: Steve

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lost allotments anger

Yorkshire Evening Post: Leeds allotments 'could be lost'

Not they're not, you dozy sods. They're RIGHT BEHIND YOU.

Also, it's great to see TV's Ross Kemp out the supporting a worthwhile 'gang' for once.

Spotter's Badge: Paul

Drink ban anger

York Press: Mum's anger as school bans fruit juice - but not water - in classroom

And, of course, the commentards go to town.

Incidentally, the surname "Hooton" is also the scientific term for the fundamental particle of owls

Spotter's Badge: Anarquista

Fat pigeon anger

South Wales Evening Post: Lop-sided taxi driver's plea to stop feeding the pigeons

He'll be laughing out of the other side of his face when starving pigeons start feeding on their natural diet: Taxi drivers

Spotter's Badge: Julia

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pub ban anger

Bairmingham Mail: War hero, aged 91, barred from local pub

Poor, banned Father Jack

Spotter's Badge: Andy

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Blackpool Gazette: Woman claims she was nearly killed TO DEATH by pie

Angry pie face! RAAAARRRRR!

Spotter's Badge: Jo

Road crossing anger

Bournemouth Echo: Residents call for crossing on busy road

Sitting on the pavement. In October. If that's not going to bring his nobbies out, nothing will.

Rat plague anger

Reading Evening Post: Couple forced out of their council flat due to rat invasion

Complete with the fully expected lack of sympathy in the comments

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bad E-Fit

Crimestoppers: Man with dreadful blond wig wanted for robbing Hampshire pensioner

Reward offered. He's a nasty scrote.

Don't have nightmares.

Spotter's Badge: Jane

Weedkiller anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Council accused of using 'illegal' cocktail of weedkillers

Ringo Starr's let himself go after losing the Thomas the Tank Engine gig

Debt collection anger

Bournemouth Echo: Driver pursued by debt agency over crime he didn't commit

What? Debt collection agencies fishing for people with the same name to see if one (or all) of them will pay the debt out of buttock-clenching fear? NEVER!

Killer Bridge Anger

Melton Leader: Local bridge in need of repairs just three years after redevelopment

I can see the problem: They appear to have built it too close to the event horizon of a black hole

Sunday, October 23, 2011

John Travolta not angry at all

East Grinstead Courier and Observer: Strange goings on, top quality photoshop job, as John Travolta turned away from KFC restaurant

You've got to see their point: Who rings up and reserves a table at a KFC?

Spotter's Badge: Skuds

Dodgy paint job anger

Sunshine Coast Daily: Man's anger as cowboys leave paint job unfinished

Some things should just remain unseen. Those legs, for example

Property repair scandal anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Campaigners furious over work that was paid for but never carried out

"SAVE CENTRE OUR" - Nope, I don't get it

Spotter's Badge: Caroline

Pokie anger

Queensland Today: Rugby club's anger over crackdown on gambling machines

So, what you're saying is that laws to stop people pissing all their money away on gambling is stopping your charity work? Riiiiiiight....

Bus shelter anger

Wiltshire Times: Residents' FURY at new bus shelter plans, demand right to get soaked

The Great Atworth Bus Shelter War: IT HAS BEGUN

Spotter's Badge: Dennis

Friday, October 21, 2011

Astroturf anger

Hemel Today: Anger as website fault takes pitch protest offline

Wonderful formation anger from Team NIMBY. Certain gold medals for London 2012.

Spotter's Badge: Jack

Nursery vandalism anger

Brighouse Echo: Fury over attack on nursery play equipment

Judging by the trampoline, the culprit weighs about twenty stone

Spotter's Badge: Ross

Travel agent anger

Swindon Advertiser: Fury over lost tickets as travel agent goes bust

You're looking a bit pale, son. You could use a holiday. Oh.

Spotter's Badge: Liam

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Funeral parlour anger

Coventry Telegraph: Residents' fury at plans to turn former garage into funeral parlour

Why can't they have both? Zombies make perfect petrol pump attendants

Spotter's Badge: Gary

For Sale sign anger

East Kent Gazette: Neighbours' angry at 'unprofessional' For Sale signs outside flat

Buy flat. Take down signs. Simples!

Also: Death to people who say "Simples!"

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Bus ticket anger

Sheffield Star: Student forced to pay full fare due to geography cock-up

Classic newspaper 'Fed up' shot. Well played

Spotter's Basge: Maggi

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stolen drive anger

Epsom Guardian: Thieves make off with woman's driveway

Yeah, that'll teach you to have a driveway made of fifty pound notes dipped in acrylic plastic.

Spotter's Badge: James

Pub closure anger

Norwich Evening News: Silent protest over plan to close popular pub





Spotter's Badge: Scott

Save our park anger

Edinburgh Evening News: Campaigners protest against 'dubious' sale of park

The comments reveal: Less of a park, more of a craphole. Ho hum

Spotter's Badge: Caroline

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Car vandalism anger

Swindon Advertiser: Mum's fears as car windows smashed in attack

Clingfilm. Use clingfilm.

Spotter's Badge: David

Felled trees anger

Swindon Advertiser: Woman left 'barking mad' as council leave felled trees in her garden

Not just the comments, even the paper doesn't seem too sympathetic.

Spotter's Badge: David

Monday, October 17, 2011

Stolen lead anger

Basingstoke Gazette: Fury as lead stolen from Shopmobility centre

Shopmobility are the last people you want to annoy. I know: I've been run over by them. Often

New homes anger

Wakefield Express: Battle over 230 new homes comes before council

Would like to meet this lot in a dark alley

Spotter's Badge: Claire