Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lard anger

Sheffield Star: Mum's anger after finding needle in block of lard

I'd stick my needle in her lard etc

Spotter's Badges: Boris, Maggi


  1. I'd give her a sausage sandwich.

    No, but seriously. Lard. Frying sausage and bacon in LARD.

  2. isolator421:55 pm

    She can fry my sausage in whatever she likes.

    Also further to what TRT said, using LARD to fry sausages & bacon for a six-year-old? Well he's not going to be the skinny, sporty one at school, is he?

  3. Anonymous5:25 pm

    From the amount of grease around her mouth it looks like she had been eating it.
