Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Car vandalism anger, again
Dorset Echo: Fury as vandals go on wrecking spree
I used to park my car there on the school run. I AM LUCKY TO BE ALIVE
Bus chaos anger
THis is Hull and East Riding: Residents start petition over changes to bus timetable
It's the oh-so-natural glance at the watch that makes this one ACE.
Spotter's Badge: Peter
Monday, May 30, 2011
Anti-social behaviour anger
Rotorua Daily Post: Businesses call on police to clamp down on yobs
Another superb example of the "80s band making comeback" pose
Roadworks delay anger
Shields Gazette: Anger over new delay to roadworks
For some reason, commenters on this article seem to be fixated on his chin. Why? WHY?
Footpath parking anger
Brisbane Courier Mail: Fury over fine for parking on the pavement
Our spotter observes: "I love the fact that, to illustrate what they did wrong, they got the papers in to show photographic evidence of them doing it again."
Spotter's Badge: Steve
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Guide Dog Anger
Cambridge News: Guide dog furious as owner banned from cafe
That's one furious hound
Spotter's Badge: Mark
Bus shelter anger
Chorley Guardian: Fed-up passenger pleads for bus shelter
"I'd something something erection something"
Graffiti anger
Weekend Courier: Business owner offers reward to catch vandals
Right on! Fighting half-arsed graffiti with half-arsed graffiti!
Spotter's Badge: Kim
Towed away anger
Edinvurgh Evening News: Fury as car is towed away from outside hospital
Good invoice-holding and fist-making
Spotter's Badge: Caroline
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Arctic Monkeys anger, again
Sheffield Star: Arctic Monkeys ticket row mum spared hideous Arctic Monkeys ordeal
Because - oh-ho! - they moved her chair
Previously: Angry mum forced to attend Arctic Monkeys concert
Spotter's Badge: Geoff
Bus pass anger
Newmarket Journal: Man left fuming after bus pass changes mean having to pay for trip to work
Not just "fuming", but "absolutely fuming"
Nasty niff anger
Essex Echo: Residents complain to council about smell
All hail the 'hold-your-nose' crowd scene. Top marks to the Echo for pulling it off
Beauty Queen Anger
Manchester Evening News: Woman banned from beauty contest because she's a mum
Comments GOLD:
"They'll be banning men from entering next!"
and the reply...
"Not judging by the photo"
Spotter's Badge: Maria
Bad E-Fit
Halifax Courier: Local CSI division employ cutting-edge technology in hunt for local flasher
Good grief, I'd hate to see what his trouser parts look like.
Don't have nightmares.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Sunbed sting anger
Reading Evening Post: Beauty salon owner caught in newspaper sting over underage sunbed users
"GGGGGRRRR" he told reporters, "GGGGRRR! GAAAAHHHH!"
New council offices anger
Dorset Echo: Protesters use baloons in campaign against new council offices
The council, however, will be buying in half-a-dozen Hellfire missiles.
Late train anger
Sunshine Coast Daily: Frustrated passenger keeps diary of late-running trains
I'd shunt her into a siding and make her late for work
Spotter's Badge: Rob
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Parking ticket anger
Nottingham Post: Fury over unfair parking ticket for one-legged driver
Sounds like a pretty (oh-ho!) limp excuse
Cricket club theft anger
Dorset Echo: Anger as simple island folk target cricket club for second time this year
The Weasley twins look upset. And you don't want to upset the Weasley twins.
Football ticket anger
Reading Evening Post: Family complains at 'unfair' system for Wembley play-off final tickets
And the irony being that they actually got tickets, and still complained.
Spotter's Badge: David
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Phone mast anger, again
Islington Tribune: Locals protest over perfect mobile phone reception
The kid in the front row. He's REALLY pissed off
Vandal rampage anger
Dorset Echo: Anger as local scrotes smash down fences
Things I wouldn't do: "I'd knock over her fences"
Second bill anger
Sunshine Coast Daily: This story witten entirely in Australian and I have NO IDEA what it's about
...but it's got a great picture of a lady throwing her hands up in the air with abject fury. So: WIN
Spotter's Badge: Rob
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
High winds anger
Edinburgh Evening News: HORROR as high winds cause slight damage to home
TOP TIP: It's well worth the click through to see how this poor, poor man escaped his predicament
Spotter's Badge: Caroline
Bus service anger
Peterborough Today: Residents complain about irregular Stagecoach service
Stagecoaches? Bloody hell - we've got buses round where we live
Lard anger
Sheffield Star: Mum's anger after finding needle in block of lard
I'd stick my needle in her lard etc
Spotter's Badges: Boris, Maggi
Monday, May 23, 2011
Another day, another angry pothole story
Central Coast Express Advocate: Australian woman mistakes Indian Ocean for hole in road
New road anger
Shields Gazette: Residents' anger over new road plan
I take one look at the picture, and the first word that enters my head is "coven". Does this make me a bad man?
Arctic Monkeys anger
Sheffield Star: Rules force mother to witness Arctic Monkeys concert
The poor, poor woman
Spotter's Badge: Maggi
Badminton anger
Huddersfield Daily Examiner: Angry badminton player banned from every sports centre in town
Ever get the feeling there's more to this story than they're letting on?
Genuine LOLs for this one.
Spotter's Badge: Dave
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Driving test fail anger
This is Kent: Instuctor blames road layout for driving test failures
And not the instruction "Floor it! JUST FLOOR IT!"
Spotter's Badge: Rob
Election Anger
Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Fury as election candidate forgets to put stamps on election literature
On a completely unrelated note - If you have any old phone directories you no longer want, the address is: FREEPOST British National Party
Bus vandalism anger
Dorset Echo: Simple island folk smash up coach operator's shameless horseless carriage device
Police rounding up 16,000 suspects
Slum alleyways anger
Lancashire Evening Post: Action to be taken on 'slum' alleyways
Slum? That's nicer than my house
Spotter's Badge: Ian
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Wrong parking meter anger
Dorset Echo: Motorist fined after paying for parking at wrong meter
"I'd try to put my money in the wrong slot"
Fire station anger
Freemantle Cockburn Gazette: Firemen completely pissed off over plans to move fire station
See? See what I did there?
Spotter's Badge: Kim
Friday, May 20, 2011
Grumble Mag Anger
Kent and Sussex Courier: Lorry drivers urged to stop throwing pornography out of cab windows
Why? This guy seems to be enjoying it
Spotter's Badge: @Stebax
Dog crap flag anger
This is Surrey: Camapign launched to shame irresponsible dog owners
Of course, who's going to clear up the mess if someone trips, falls, and gets impaled on these sticks?
Speed limit anger
Bournemouth Echo: Campaign to reduce speed limit on local road
Yes, that's all very well until SOMEBODY LOSES AN ARM
Lamp post anger
Nottingham Post: Fury as lamp posts appear on Nottingham streets
Say NO to this WITCHERY
Spotter's Badge: Joseph
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Killer spider anger
Liverpool Echo: Family flee home after killer spider invasion
Who you gonna call? A MAN WITH A MIRROR ON A STICK
Shit house anger
This is South Wales: Couple's anger as dream home filled with faeces
If you don't get a refund, we suggest a dirty protest
Spotter's Badge: Phil
Shop delivery anger
Luton Today: Family's fury as supermarket delivery arrives a day late
"How am I supposed to feed my kids with this?"
*Forms queue*
Spotter's Badge: Glenn
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Phone mast anger
Kent and Sussex Courier: Campaigners furious over 'industrial-sized eyesore', perfect mobile phone reception
That's going to hurt in the morning
Spotter's Badge: Skuds
Didn't read their contract anger
Dorset Echo: Simple island folk furious after losing supermarket jobs at end of fixed-term contracts
In the words of Robot Wars: "Let the right old kicking in the comments BEGIN!"
And look here, less than a couple of weeks earlier:
Dorset Echo: Simple island folk slam police after motorbike theft
Hoping for a hat-trick.
Width restriction anger again
Watford Observer: Reign of terror continues as width restriction claims more victims
As seen before HERE
Spotter's Badge: TRT