Road safety anger
Middlewich Guardian: Bendy kids angry about speeding outside school
No, we've no idea why either
Spotter's Badge: Maria
Celebrating excellence in the field of local newspaper photography
Middlewich Guardian: Bendy kids angry about speeding outside school
No, we've no idea why either
Spotter's Badge: Maria
Local news photographers are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and get sent to photograph miserable people gurning at uncooked meat products. Here, we celebrate their work.
All images copyright their respective media outlets, and will be removed on request.
Please support local journalism by clicking through the links. Keep a journalist working by buying a local paper.
Do you realise, on your whole 'front page' (the last ten posts or so) we haven't had a single 'wild camera angle' or a 'big pothole/dog shit in the foreground with small angry person in the background perspective'.
There weren't even many 'angry crossed arms' or anything.
I think MR Wilson the PE teacher just 'whipped it out' off camera
Mark: I just put 'em in as I get 'em
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