Monday, November 30, 2009

Actual pointing-at-dog-poo anger

Rugby Borough Council: Pick up your poo, or you're in the poo

Our first council press release and the Holy Grail - Actual Angry People Pointing At Dog Poo. With a stick.

Spotter: Will Rankin

Norman Tebbit anger

East Anglia Daily Times: Tebbit apologises for pub madness

I've read through this story a couple of times now, and still have no idea what is going on. I honestly thought that Tebbit was dead, although living in Bury St Edmunds is much the same thing.

Spotter: James Parkin

Donald Trump anger

Aberdeen Evening Express: Tycoon livid over golf resort challenge

Click through for a slideshow of even more classic Trump-inspired angriness.

Spotter: PY

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Computer theft anger

Marlborough Express (NZ): Burglars high-tail it with school's computers

And so, the "fed up kid" shot makes it to the other side of the world.

Spotter: Robert Catto

Blackpool hotel anger

Blackpool Gazette: Hotel owners furious over housing plans

And, frankly, there's nobody more angry in this world than a Blackpool hotel owner. You have to pass special angry exams before you are allowed to open a Blackpool hotel.

Note judicious cropping of the photo to exclude not-angry-at-all hangers-on.

Spotter: Mark Palmer

Kanagaroo attack anger

Herald Sun: Angry Aussie injuried by angry kangaroo

... as hardly-angry-at-all wife attempts to start a game of noughts and crosses on his chest with a laundry marker.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Poor quality road repair anger

Newsday: Pensioner's ball-busting fury over pothole repairs

I see his point. Take that bump at speed and who knows what Final Destination gore and bloodshed will result. Blokes with walking frames: WATCH YOUR SPEED

Getting-billed-for-something-I-cancelled anger

Reading Evening Post: Bloke finds out that Virgin Media are still crap

I've never had trouble with Virgins. But then, I've never met one.

Ski pass anger

Durango Herald (US): Angry woman has ski pass cancelled

Slag us off in the local rag? That's a bannin'. Have a nice day.

Spotter: Dustin Bradford

Friday, November 27, 2009

Dog poop fine anger

Ipswich Evening Star: Defiant dog owner goes to war over shit

I don't know who's angriest in this picture - Angry Dog Owner or Angry Dog Owner's dog.

All we know is that it is not Ken Dodd's dad's dog. Because Ken Dodd's dad's dog's dead.

Spotter: Jayne

Lap-dancing anger

Oxford Mail: Far too many babies upset over lap-dancing club

There are far, far too many babies in this shot, and shame on ANYONE who is not carrying their offspring. I imagine Baby Jesus is pretty upset, too.

Angry people count: 28, including angry babies, but not including people in background whose angry status is unknown

Spotter: Suzanne Peedell

Lack of angry people anger

Reading Evening Post: Local pressure group to close because of lack of angry people

I only include this picture on these pages because those are the angriest pair of shoes I have seen in a long, long time. And I should know: My Aunty Carol used to work in a shoe shop.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

More wheelie bin anger

Cambridge News: Angry man's wheelie bin lid doesn't close

For the record, Angry Man's name is Arthur Chance.

Arthur Chance.

Spotter: James Page

Wheelie bin anger

Knutsford Guardian: Family 'wheelie' miffed over bin cock-up

Sub-editor wins a week's supply of INTERNETS for superb use of the evergreen "It’s wheelie bin a travesty" gag

Spotter: NAB

Housing plans anger

Newcastle Herald (Australia): Residents campaign against public housing plans

Ah, angry Australians - signs, pointing, the whole nine yards.

We might also have found sausage woman's long-lost sister in the purple dress, worried that newcomers to her community will steal pork products from her fridge.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Shop raider anger

Durham Journal Live: Shopkeep fights off raider with mop

Nobody's going to mess with Angry Shopkeep and his trusty sidekick Victoria Beckham.

Spotter: Ian Benet

Train cuts anger

Bexley News Shopper: Commuters angry over train cutbacks

KId on the right scores seven angry points out of ten. Jury still out on dad pending forcible removal of facial hair.

Spotter: Natalie Jones

Sex-starved sheep anger

Northern Echo: Sheep angry over lack of local totty

If I looked like that, I'd be totally livid, too.

Spotter: Deborah Doherty

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stolen bike anger

Reading Evening Post: Stolen bike puts charity ride on hold

And what better way to illustrate your anger over a stolen bicycle than to be photographed holding a picture of the thing whilst shaking your fist at the camera? Curse you, bike thieves!

See also: Pee-Wee Herman's Big Adventure

Swan anger

Middlewich Guardian: Cash shortage hits plans for swan fence

I would point out she will be even angrier when she finds out she's on the wrong side of the fence and trapped in there with all those break-your-arm-with-a-flag-of-their-wing swans.

Spotter: Maria Cooke

Thankful bloke anger

Ipswich Evening Star: Grandfather thanks heart lifesavers

... with a great big angry scowl. Grrrrr....

Spotter: Podgle

Monday, November 23, 2009

Slightly off-topic post


Suspect was described as being "rather badly drawn". Poor, dead Tony Hart is offering a prize for any information.

Road noise anger

Southampton Daily Echo: Residents' misery over noisy roads

Here's a hint: Don't move next door to a motorway.

I shall, in deference, drive past as quietly as possible on my way to work this morning.

Box junction anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Council to keep cash from illegal box junction

A subtle variation on the pointing-at-something genre: pointing-at-something-with-a-tape-measure-while-standing-in-the-middle-of-the-road.

Surgery car park anger

Clacton Gazette: Surgery plagued by parking pests

This one's not just angry. He's infuriated. The next stage is actually exploding.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pub closure anger

Norwich Eveing News: 200 sign petition to save pub

Theres' angry, then there's the guy on the right. He's REALLY angry about losing his pub.

'Not posh enough' anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Posh residents told their estate not quite posh enough

Angry person in classic "I was so angry, I nearly said something" pose.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

All-night exotic cabaret anger

New York Daily News: Residents seething as club-goers allowed to enjoy themselves

First sight on these pages of the Lesser Spotted Thumbs Down

New McDonald's anger

Inner West Courier: Bunfight looms over new burger restaurant

Nominated for the 'most effective use of children as props' category

Spotter: Russell Edwards

Shed break-in anger

East Anglia Daily Times: Kids' anger as thieves strike nursery

That's some proper angry gurning by the kids, there. If you ask me, the one at the front in the stripy jumper is more-or-less ready to wreak his awful revenge right now.

Spotter: Nat Bocking

Friday, November 20, 2009

Angry cyclist

Cambridge News: Waterlogged cycleway is 'unusable'

Good grief, woman, it's only a puddle. You've even got mudguards. On an off-road bike. Go around it. And wear a helmet.

Spotter: Derek Law

Hole in the road anger

Waltham Forest Guardian: Half-finished road 'an insult' say residents

That's not an insult. An insult is the council changing the name of the street to Gary Glitter Gardens, just for the shits and giggles.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not-a-terrorist-at-all anger

Macclesfield Express: Man seething over 'terrorist' gaffe

How do we know this man isn't a terrorist? Where's the proof? This could all be a superb double-bluff and his name really is Al-Jazeera Terrorist. Got anything to say, Simon - or should we say 'Al'?

(Our legal advisers tell us that we have to make it clear this gentleman is NOT a terrorist. Neither does he like the luxury chocolate eclairs they sell in M&S)

Spotter: Derek the Dog

Hole-in-the-road anger

Essex Echo: World's largest pot-hole eats Billericay

I went to Billericay once. It's got a nice flyover, and a man in a cravat and superb hat.

Mistaken identity anger

Bournemouth Echo: Teens 'assaulted by market trader' after theft claims

He might be an innocent man, but the kid at the front is unspeakably angry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not-angry-at-all anger

Newcastle Evening Chronicle: Not-angry-at-all woman tells of armed raid horror

Yes. She's not angry at all, but this one's included for the sheer "WTF?!" value.

I am sure you will join me by saying: WTF?!

Tyre theft anger

Oxford Mail: Tyre thefts 'wheely' mystifying

Dear Sherlock Holmes, I think you'll find that the missing tyre you're after is attached to the wheel. You're leaning on it.

Your pal, Duck (Scary)

Charity case anger

Macclesfield Express: Comic Relief pupils sent home

The classic local newspaper "Fed up" pose, used to great effect by the greatest newspaper on the planet.

Those are their ACTUAL Noses, by the way. Life can be so, so cruel.

Spotter: Derek the Dog

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bad haircut anger

Macclesfield Express: Pupil gets the chop over haircut

Great to see TV's Martin Clunes getting some decent press coverage for a change.

Spotter: Derek the Dog

Criminal record anger

Cambridge News: 'I'm not a crim' says angry, sweary OAP

Also: "****!"

And: "*****ing ****ing ****ing ****!"

Spotter: Jessica Gooch

Parking ticket anger

Ipswich Evening Star: OAP's anger at ticket for sun-bleached parking permit

"They advised me to put my badge where the sun doesn't shine!"

They meant, of course, the cupboard under the stairs. Some people are just born to be outraged.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Supermarket anger

Southampton Daily Echo: OAPs' fury as supermarket blocks path

Loses marks for "trouble in store" punnery, wins them all back for sheer volume of enraged OAPs

A competition – how many angry people can you fit in one picture? While this pic has an impressive body count, my current record is 31, plus a dog.

Spotter: Jessica Gooch

Phone mast anger

Macclesfield Express: Residents angry at new phone mast

Where would this site be without the Macc Express? Another from their impressive archives on locals scared they're getting their brains microwaved. As if holding a radio transmitter to their head hasn't done that already. Which it hasn't.

Spotter: Derek the Dog

Pub sign anger

Oxford Mail: Pub ordered to remove roadside sign

"There's never been an accident on this stretch of road", landlord protests as black Toyota flies into the bushes.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Police anger

Clacton Gazette: Cardboard copper stolen by drunken prankster

Angry police officers out-angried by angry cardboard cut-out police officer mourning disappearance of colleague from the Royal Cardboard Constabulary.

Going postal anger

Macclesfield Express: Postal strike 'not about the money'

We haven't visited our old pals at the Macc Express recently. I wonder, if by chance, they've calmed down.


No. No, they haven't.

Spotter: Tim

Stolen garden gnome anger

Reading Evening Post: Dirty, rotten thieves stole my Rupert Bear statue

Keep it down, pal. We're mourning the loss of our life-sized statue of Barney the Purple Dinosaur, and you don't see us running to the local press.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

No dead cats anger

Southend Echo: Chinese takeaway denies keeping cats in freezer

"Nope, no cats at all. Keep it down, Fido."

We would like to point out - for legal reasons - that despite the flip tone of the above comment, there are no dogs in the freezer, either. Or hamsters. Or rat-onna-stick.


Bournemouth Echo: Lapland New Forest rip-off

Never in the history of Angry People in Local Newspapers have so many people queued up to be angry in local newspapers. The reason? Fifty-quid-a-throw tickets for Lapland New Forest, which turned out to be a pile of turds, gently steaming in a field just outside Bournemouth.

We look forward to this year's chancers trying the same con.