Tuesday, October 04, 2016

We could all be killed to death in unlikely circumstances anger

Bucks Free Press: Fully-loaded tankers heading toward local petrol station could explode and kill us all, say residents

Happens all the time if you're Bruce Willis.

Spotter's Badge: Liz


  1. Anonymous8:19 am

    Wrong thing methinks

  2. Flaming Hell9:23 am

    The link is to an article about Quality Street.

    For the Worried of Bucks: Ask the petrol people to send half-filled tankers and then only 50% of you will die burning deathwards agony.

  3. Oy vey! They should move to Bunstead.

  4. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand fixed the link.

  5. "residents spotted a “huge three rear axled fully loaded” petrol tanker "...

    I bet there's a group equally opposed to banning them, sat on shooting stools by the junction with a thermos of hot tea and a tupperware of spam sandwiches on the ground next to them, licking the points of their pencils ready to jot down the registration plate of the next petrol tanker that passes.

  6. Big ones, small ones6:27 pm

    She said: “It was enormous, the length of someone’s garden." Gem of a quote.

  7. I assume that closing or relocating the said BP petrol station is not the solution. Perhaps it is not because the campaigners would then have to drive a bit further for a fill-up.
