Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Kid walked home from school anger

South Wales Argus: Family's fury as lad takes himself out of school and walks home without teachers noticing

Rene Zellweger, seen here seven years after the events of Bridget Jones' Baby.

Spotter's Badge: Sharon, Rebecca


  1. Graham - in reading10:16 am

    Loving the mother and grandfather wading in in the comments.

    And is this what anarchy has come to now? When I wore the A in a circle it was because we were rebellious punks, not whinging parents.

  2. Anonymous11:28 am

    Kyle. Just sayin'

  3. Anonymous1:56 pm

    I honestly didn't realise they made Avengers t-shirts in grown up sizes...

  4. Anonymous10:59 pm

    oh wow... an anarchist upset about disorder
