Monday, July 11, 2016

Can't be arsed to recycle anger

Lancashire Telegraph: Councillor shocked - SHOCKED - that people can't be bothered to separate their recycling from their general waste

Something something thick enough to vote for Brexit something, I dunno.

Spotter's Badge: Karen


  1. Anonymous9:36 am

    "Thick enough for Brexit". Shameful - does the editor believe in democracy only when it suits?

  2. Anonymous5:38 pm

    If it's anything like where I live they just chuck it all in the back of the same wagon anyway.

    Hey anon above, don't get arsey about democracy. Thick people don't stop being thick just because there's a lot of them.

  3. Anonymous11:19 pm

    Alas, you live in a democracy that promotes universal suffrage. Get on with it, cocker...
