Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Rivers of poo anger

Timaru Herald: Bloke upset about dumped effluent 

Whenever we get a story featuring somebody pointing at poo, we allow ourselves a small celebration.

Parp! Whoopee!

That's enough celebrating.

Spotter's Badge: Marie


  1. Robin of Locksley11:53 am

    "I'm not sure how it would have happened."

    It's stock effluent. I think that means it comes out of animals' arses.
    That's how it would have happened.

  2. Stock effluent could also be that stuff they sell at the coffee shop on a tricycle near my works. Smells like a mixture of shit and oxo.

  3. Robin of Locksley8:21 am

    CDN, that sounds like it could be 'artisan' coffee. Avoid.
