Saturday, June 11, 2016

No to the Golden Arches anger

Inner West Courier: Campaigners hand out leaflets urging locals not to use new McDonald's restaurant

They'll succumb to the lure of the quarter-pounder with cheese and a McFlurry within a month, mark my words.

Spotter's Badge: David


  1. johnr3:13 pm

    I hope they didn't pay too much to the design consultancy for that logo.

  2. Alfalfamale4:16 am

    Good to see Andy Warhol still has complete mastery of the pop-art genre.

  3. Is the woman with the shades protesting because her boobs don't measure up to the better endowed lady in the pink top?

  4. Robin of Locksley3:02 pm

    Not sure about woman third from left - she might be thinking she's putting on a 'hands-on-hips-we-mean-business' stance, but it's slipped a bit towards 'Hello, big boy' to my mind. Of course, that might just be a personal interpretation |-)
