Monday, June 29, 2015

Streetlight stand-off anger

Sheffield Star: "I know my rights, and I don't want a street lamp outside my house"

Tell you what, let's not bother with street lighting for a bit and see how we get on.

Spotter's Badge: Sarah


  1. Anonymous11:59 am

    "“They claim it won’t shine in my bedroom, but I think it will, and it will be right outside so I will have to look at it... I’ve spoken to the man who lives in the house where the existing light is outside and he doesn’t mind it."

    Some quality joined-up thinking there!!

  2. Robin of Locksley6:58 pm

    Bit unclear as to what it is that the man doesn't mind |-)

  3. That's really low quality cock and balls grafitti isn't it?

  4. Anonymous1:32 pm

    An unwanted erection violating her bedroom area?
    Could be some humour in that...

  5. Anonymous11:37 pm

    She needs to trim her front bush.
