Sunday, June 07, 2015

Late postcard anger

South Wales Evening Post: Postcard from Spain takes 29 years to arrive

Life must have got tough for this chap when the Roald Dahl lookalike work dried up

Spotter's Badge: Rob J


  1. Phil Atelist11:53 pm

    What you do is, you go to a collectors' fair, buy an old postcard with a stamp on it which has been postmarked years before, addressed to somewhere near where you live, drop it into a post-box and wait for the story in the local paper. Then send the result to APILN.

  2. Mr Waldo9:58 am

    What some people do is, if the postie delivers a card to them by mistake they keep it because they can't be arsed to take it round to their neighbour. Then, they die leaving relatives to clear the house of contents and the misdirected post is finally dealt with.

    OR, seeing as it's Swansea: -
    Mr. Willy Nilly – The postman, dreams of delivering the post in his sleep, and physically knocks upon his wife as if knocking upon a door. In the morning they open the post together and read the town's news so that he can relay it around the village.
    Mrs. Willy Nilly – who, because of her husband's knocking upon her, dreams of being spanked by her teacher for being late for school. She assists Willy Nilly in steaming open the mail.
    'Under Milk Wood' Dylan Thomas. wikipedia

  3. Phila Atelist12:20 pm

    Mrs. Willy Nilly – who, because of her husband's knocking upon her, dreams of being spanked by her teacher for being late for school

    -- Another case for Operation Yewtree!
