Saturday, May 16, 2015

Spider bite lost dignity anger

Oxford Mail: Man bitten on groin by spider

"Hello, is that the Oxford Mail? Yeah... I've been bitten on the groin by a spider... Yes, on the groin... When you've stopped laughing, can you send a photographer?"

If you dare to look closer, you will be relieved to find that those aren't his Y-Fronts

Spotter's Badge: Rob H


  1. I wanna know where he got that jumper. Mine are so boring.

  2. R Ach-Nid4:43 pm

    Jumpers with hoods and woolly strings are part of the Oxfam Spring Collection.
    Blokey says that he had it lanced. Jousting isn't what it used to be.

  3. Not Y-fronts. A f***ing nappy.
