Thursday, May 14, 2015

Rail ticket error anger

Ayr Advertiser: Passenger lights up with fury after ticket clerk error empties his bank account

Mother of God, that's the power of 1,000 suns - like a ragey beacon, as one of our spotters observes.

Spotter's Badge: Mike, Stuart, Jamie, Chris

(Edit: Link now fixed as the Ayr Advertiser one seemed unreliable)


  1. Alfalfamale3:00 pm

    That link does not appear to work Alistair. Perhaps the power of his wrath has incinerated all of Ayr, taking the Advertiser with it.

    I think he's overdoing it though. The last time I bought a train ticket it emptied my bank account too.

  2. Graham in Reading3:09 pm

    I've found a link that seem to work at the moment. Looks to be exactly the same story, including the picture.
