Monday, December 22, 2014

Sweary mum anger

Bromley News Shopper: Woman arrested for swearing outside school

Over 500 comments on this one, and she's in there from the off. Pure local newspaper gold.

Spotter's Badge: Rob


  1. Robin of Locksley8:13 am

    Eeuuurgh...... started to lose the will to live halfway through the comments, so had to bail out.

    If ever you think your life is shit then just imagine for a minute that you're a reporter on the Bexley News Shopper.
    There - your not feeling quite so bad now, are you?

  2. Sadly the brother *did* change the privacy settings on his Facebook page, so we'll never know what it was that he shouldn't be letting people know about him.

  3. Captain Bunloaf11:43 am

    "Charlie Lugg" - couldn't make it up!

  4. Robin of Locksley1:31 pm

    Kaptain, was that really her brother?
    I thought initially it was v.droll trolling but then realised that she wasn't objecting to his posts, despite the fact that he wasn't exactly helping.

  5. Lord Milchester2:05 pm

    Kaptain Kobold - I saw the linked Facebook profile before he changed it. He's a weed-smoking, recently released ex-convict with Britain First and BNP posts galore on his page, and a tendency to threaten his "friends" with extreme violence.

    Hope this helps.

  6. The comments in the News Shopper story are pure gold.
    Love it so far - I've hardly got any way through them. Your teasers about her charming brother weighing in & Facebook pages only add to the fun.
    ...I'm getting popcorn for this :)
