Monday, June 02, 2014

Rubbish plant anger

Leicester Mercury: Residents can't stand smell from rubbish handling plant

Back at the newsroom:

"How did the shoot go for the rubbish plant story?"

"Got them all holding their noses"


Spotter's Badge: Hugo


  1. Bonus points if the actual headline uses the word "Pong!"

  2. Aww! I'm disappointed now. No pong.

  3. Prospect Parkour12:15 am

    I'm beginning to wonder if local journalism isn't just an excuse for the failed hacks who couldn't get/keep a job on the national titles to take their frustrations out on unwary members of the public.

    Also, this CAPTCHA system that asks me to prove that I'm "not a robot" is grossly discriminatory. It's blatant cis-biologicalism and you are obviously Hitler.

  4. Marvin11:23 am

    I'm a depressed robot - can I leave a comment?
