Saturday, April 12, 2014

Refused alcohol anger

Somerset Guardian: Man, 58, refused alcohol over no ID

And by way of a bonus, here's how it appeared on the paper's front page:

Spotter's Badge: Rob


  1. XX The Challenge 25 guidelines used by many retailers who sell alcohol require anyone buying alcohol who looks under the age of 25 to produce proof that they are over 18.XX


    Kafka, or even Orwell could not have dreamed that one up.

  2. Alfalfamale11:15 am

    But how is the checkout operator to know this gent isn't suffering from Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome? You can't be too careful you know.

  3. So he had his car, but didn't have his driving licence on him. Not very clever.

  4. Having your documents with you whilst driving is not a requirement under British law. You will get an HORT-1, which means you have to produce them within 5 days at a police station of your choice.

    Thats IT!

  5. XX Alfalfamale said...

    But how is the checkout operator to know this gent isn't suffering from Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome? XX

    If he is called Hutchinson, and lives in Gilford, that is his own fault, and deserves everything he gets. (Or doesn't get, in this case.)

  6. Anonymous7:45 am

    Is he always that red and is his right hand attached to his head permanently?peekedn construction

  7. Amber Neck Tie9:30 am

    Does the Challenge 25 guideline state also that you have to be under the age of 26 to buy Fosters?

  8. "Having your documents with you whilst driving is not a requirement under British law. You will get an HORT-1, which means you have to produce them within 5 days at a police station of your choice".

    I know you're right as regards the law, but it still saves time if you've got them with you, and (for the purposes of this story) provides proof of age.
