Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Runaway shopping trollies anger

Bournemouth Echo: Man's car damaged in supermarket car park

Highest-rated comment: "Balding middle aged man buys BMW convertible to compensate but finds he's still middle aged, his bald patch is still growing and he still shops at ASDA, more like."

Harsh. But very funny.

Spotter's Badge: Kevin


  1. Alfalfamale5:59 pm

    He's right to be concerned. A few more dings and that fanny-magnet might loose its obviously magical powers.

  2. Mustafa Be'n Tinitrolli9:21 pm

    Dave's Cobra Gang will sort it.

    @5:59pm: lose

  3. Looks like they won't by buying any more clothes from George.
