Sunday, December 01, 2013

Taxi abuse anger

Manchester Evening News: Rise in domestic abuse by taxi drivers "is the council's fault"

Utterly bonkers

Spotter's Badge: Karen


  1. My gid, I wouldn't want to be domestically abused by the likes of that! It would be like hitting a tank head on.

  2. Alfalfamale7:16 pm

    I strongly suspect this guy is concelaing the body of his dead wife beneath that overcoat, no doubt intending to bundle her into the back of his cab and off to a disused quarry somewhere.

  3. Lord Milchester9:20 pm

    It's Fred Gee who used to be in Coronation Street, isn't it?

  4. Stilted Banter8:02 am

    Taxi driver proves to be a swirling cesspool of vile ignorant opinions, narrow-minded stupidity and 'blame everybody else' ranting cluelessness. Who'd have thought it?

  5. Anonymous1:04 pm

    Nice to see Edward Woodward is still getting out and about, seeing as he died in 2009.
