Sunday, November 17, 2013

Two women one bush anger

Bromley News Shopper: Woman furious after neighbour cuts back overhanging branches and throws them back into her garden

...which is 100% within the law, but MY BUSH MY BUSH MY BUSH ARRRRRGH

Spotter's Badge: Neil


  1. Stilted Banter12:54 pm

    Tearful grandmother-of-eight needn't be "grief-stricken". Wisteria can deal with this kind of thing.

    Lovely first comment: "Always best to settle disputes like this through a local newspaper".

  2. Not bad for 51. I wouldn't mind trimming her bush. Not sexy slang*
    *Sexy slang.

  3. Geaham4:36 pm

    Love the commnet at the end of the article from the neighbour.

    "She's nutty. It doesn't really surprise me that she's reacted like this"

  4. Anonymous4:36 pm

    Comment, not commnet of course.
