Monday, November 11, 2013

Recycling scheme anger

Stevenage Comet: Anger over change to council recycling scheme

Let's find out what torture they're imposing on the poor local residents...

"A council has caused uproar after deciding to stop collecting cardboard recycling from brown wheelie bins and instead only take it from the small blue box which is already used for paper."

Oh, NO.

1 comment:

  1. He's one of those twats who paint their house number on their bin.

    Newsflash: the council hands out the bins for free and nobody's going to nick* yours because they've already got one just as good.

    * unless they are nicking it to be used somewhere completely different, in which case the number is meaningless.

    Unless of course the people at number 35 Smith Street on the other side of town steal his bins.
