Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Vandalised Hummer anger

Rossendale Free Press: Reward on offer as vandals wreck bloke's Hummer

Jeez, I wouldn't want to mess with this guy

Spotter's Badge: Karen


  1. Stilted Banter8:30 am

    To be honest I never see a Hummer without wanting to put a brick through its windows. I wouldn't do it though, because I'm not a scrote.

  2. If I had a hummer, I'd hummer in the morning, I'd hummer in the evening, all over this land...

  3. He must have an absolutely massive penis if he needs a car that big to carry it around in.

  4. Wank Tank9:17 pm

    Install security screens. Look in yell and see your local shutters expert. Oh, wait a minute, that's you isn't it?
