Saturday, August 31, 2013

Too tight school uniform anger

Leicester Mercury: Girl sent home from school over "too tight" uniform trousers

And here comes the first of this year's return-to-school deluge. Expect one fairly soon featuring the words "human rights"

Spotter's Badge: Carolyn


  1. Let's hope she doesn't grow up looking like her mother...

  2. RobinOfLocksley6:38 pm

    Surreal picture - a triangular garden with Darth Vader impaled above a table.
    What is going on?

  3. Cray Si 885:26 pm

    As it's a community school linked to a Japanese building company, the uniform should be in the style of Gogo Yubari.

  4. These uniform stories always involve the most hideous parents. Maybe the schools are looking out for the child's future? Knowing there's a chance they might grow up to be a dog, the least they can do is dress well to counter it.

  5. Anonymous7:27 pm

    Lovely lawn though.
