Thursday, May 23, 2013

School iPad anger

Hull Daily Mail: School demands return of kids' iPads two weeks before exams

Poor show all round

Also: HAIR


  1. James7:39 pm

    There seems to have been a mix-up at the picture desk; This is actually a photo of the Bluecoats at Pontins in Hull, extending their traditional cheery welcome to cabaret night.

    Her on the right's about to burst into a rendition of 'I'm So Excited'.

  2. Twenty_Rothmans9:24 pm

    i-Spice girls!
    Buffy, Blondie, Speccie, Sulkie and Moonface!

    I can spot Julian Assange, Chris Evans and Alex Salmond.

    I for one, would not want to go public that my iPad money went on something 'more pressing'.

    The comments (worst-rated) are gold.

  3. Stilted Banter7:41 am

    A school that makes its pupils wear electric blue uniforms is capable of any enormity.
