Monday, February 04, 2013

Not an eyeball in Pot Noodle Anger

Halifax Courier: Teenager claims she found eyeball in her pot noodle, and not, as everybody in the whole world has pointed out, the stalk from a tomato

The word "tomato" on the side of the pot being a bloody massive clue

And here, as a public service, is said "eyeball"

It's a tomato.

Spotter's Badge: Ross


  1. What is wrong with eye balls any way, even if it WAS?

    WE have many pig roasts here, and I ALWAYS claim the head. Cheeks, Toungue, Eyballs and brain. Best bloody PARTS of a pig, except for the lungs. Which you normally have to buy seoerately.

  2. RobinOfLocksley10:50 pm

    Attention-seeking f**kwit. Any fule kno that the first rule of Pot Noodle is that you never admit to eating Pot Noodle.

  3. "I’d put the Pot Noodle on a plate and was half-way through when I saw something that did not seem right,” said Kelly"

    Pot Noodle on a plate? Well la-di-fucking-da. I hope your servant didn't add too much ketchup from the sachet, Lady Bloody Fwar-Fwar.

  4. I'd give her extra beef.

  5. She can fork my one-eyed noodle anyday

  6. Anonymous10:54 am

    Funny how she seems unconcerned at the amount of reconstituted additives and E numbers that make up a Pot Noodle. Even if it was a real eyeball, nutritionally it would be better for you than the rest of the pot...

  7. Anonymous12:40 pm

    well done, you narrow minded fools, falling into the dramatization of the media.

    The first photo did actually look horrifying enough to resemble a small eyeball, since it's dried, it's becoming more clear. Over 30 people kicked up fuss over the first photo that attracted the media. This wasn't her choice.

    as for pot noodle on a plate? enjoy your food off the floor then you idiotic prick.

  8. Anonymous12:42 pm

    What is wrong with eyeballs? it's cross contamination, raw material like that can cause serious illness.

  9. "as for pot noodle on a plate? enjoy your food off the floor then you idiotic prick."

    I think most of us know how a Pot Noodle is usually eaten but, as you obviously don't, here's some of the Wiki entry for them.

    "The product is packaged in a sturdy plastic pot, from which the prepared noodles can be eaten"

  10. Wasn't her choice? Why is she in the local paper then you fooking numbskull?
