Sunday, December 09, 2012

Beige derelict cinema anger

Kent and Sussex Courier: Fury as derelict cinema in Tunbridge Wells remains unused for thirteen years

Our spotter says: I hope the council doesn't mess with these guys... Mr Brown, Mr Black, Mr Khaki, Mr Slightly Darker Brown and Mr Beige

Spotter's Badge: Rob


  1. Do they want that building reopened so they can put on their stage edition of Last of the Summer Wine, then?

  2. It could be worse, it could be slated for conversion to a mosque.

  3. Anonymous10:21 pm

    Looks like a movie poster. The Expendables 3 perhaps?

  4. RobinOfLocksley8:04 am

    Having enlisted the estimable Mr. Richard Dreyfuss to help with their campaign why do they not mention him? Why push him to the back for the photo-opp? Does he have a flatulence issue?
    Also, there's something a bit odd about Mr.Beige.
