Saturday, August 11, 2012

Scottish bank note anger

East Grinstead Courier and Observer: Woman furious as supermarket refuses to accept Scottish £20 note

Our spotter says: I am reminded of Robin Williams' description of Thatcher in the 80's, that she always looks as if somebody is holding a turd under her nose

Spotter's Badge: Skuds


  1. So do they really say £20 on the front, and £10 on the back? No wonder Aldi (quite legally) refused it.

  2. Scot McDoogal10:59 am

    "I think you'll find.. THAT'S LEGAL TENDER!"

  3. RobinOfLocksley4:16 pm

    Jeremy Clarkson at Aldi? Shurely shome mishtake....and he's overdone the Grecian 2000 a bit. Oh, dear.
