Thursday, August 23, 2012

Massive tree anger

Coventry Telegraph: Tree at the end of my garden 'making my life HELL'

The money shot: "Nine years ago wasn’t anywhere near as big."

Tempted to give her a spotter's badge for noticing that trees grow over time.

Spotter's Badge: Rob


  1. That's a very short photographer.

  2. Anonymous10:44 am

    Nine years ago my trunk wasn't anywhere near as big as it is now. Bloody hormones

  3. Where did those brown leaves come from this time of the year? The offending tree in the background is in full green leaf.

  4. They're buggers, them Ents, scaring people like that.

  5. XX
    Steve said...

    Where did those brown leaves come from this time of the year? The offending tree in the background is in full green leaf. XX

    It's a bloody LIME tree...What do you expect?

    Or have you never seen one before?

    I will put this to you gently, THAT is how they spread their seeds. The leaves of the pod go brown, and drop off, acting like a cross bwtween a helicopter and a parachute. This normaly happens from mid June until Septemberish, when the main leaves start browning.

    As to the size of the tree, from that angle you can make a bastard bonsai look like a California red wood!

  6. Anonymous9:30 am

    This site used to be all about the fun.

  7. It's fun and educational!

    And I'd show her massive wood.

  8. See just to the left of her stick? There's a leaf that looks just like a willy sticking out of the ground.

    As you say, fun and educational.
