Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Moved-on travellers anger

Bournemouth Echo: Travellers leave devastation after leaving local park

With added photo gallery of MISERY

Adopt, Adapt, Improve. There's your new adventure playground


  1. Anonymous7:58 am

    Another wonderful tale highlighting the wonderful nomadic culture of the PIKEYS. No comments enabled also I see,

  2. RobinOfLocksley8:17 am

    I like the 'RESPECT' graffiti in the background. Nice touch of irony there.

  3. Wait... What are travellers doing with sections of brick wall? Are you sure it's not some fly-by-night fly-tipper taking advantage of the pikey's bad reputation?

  4. I know we're supposed to be a tolerant country, but I do confess to getting a bit 'Daily Mail' on this issue. I'll leave it there, because it'll get just plain nasty if I continue...
