Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dull News in Local Newspapers: Hemel Hempstead Special

Hemel Today: Swans stop traffic

Hemel Today: Flower pot stolen

Hemel Today: Fancy dress shop closes

Hemel Today: Community centre buys dishwasher

I genuinely think I have found Britain's dullest local newspaper. Does ANYTHING happen in Hemel Hempstead?


  1. Anonymous12:41 am

    The swan story is not a non-story...

  2. Living very close to Hemel Hempstead, I can report that nothing, actually, ever does happen in Hemel Hempstead. It's claim to fame is that it has a roundabout FROM HELL.

  3. My CV says I worked in Hemel for a year but I genuinly don't remember it!!

  4. RainbowDash9:33 am

    We had an oil explosion once! That was pretty interesting!
