Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Boat pond anger

Norwich Evening News: Boat enthusiasts upset they are no longer able to drive through park to get to lake

...despite a solution already being offered

That's two minutes of my life I want back, you nobbers

Also: Great to see pop's Gary Numan having a new hobby after that flying mullarky ended in woe

Spotter's Badge: Dave


  1. 'Joey' from Friends has let himself go...

  2. Gary Numan has had to downgrade his Car as well, it seems.
    None of the:
    "Here in my car, I can lock all my doors, I feel safest of all"
    any more, eh?

    Nice to see the hair transplant still hanging on though... :)

  3. Shocked of Locksley9:39 am

    "a potentially dangerous incident involving a toddler learning to cycle and a passing car which caused them to wobble"

    The horror....the horror
