Friday, April 13, 2012

Purple hair anger

Portsmouth News: Woman does future job prospects no good at all by running to papers after being suspended from her job at Tesco over dyed hair

Yep, just her against The Man

Spotter's Badge: Jon


  1. So the hair is unacceptable but the tacky tats are OK? Bonkers!

  2. AppalledOfLocksley12:35 pm

    Perhaps Tesco just found her too embarrassing. Also, she has called one of her children Chelsea. (Note snapper making sure the tats are well displayed). Ghastly!

  3. The antonym of MILF, right there.

    Maybe wear a hat next time? or preferably a bag.

    btw, can anyone see what the oh-so charming tat on her arm says?

  4. isolator - I think it says "I'll fight for you"

    Says it all really......

  5. Anonymous4:30 pm

    131 comments too! SAVANNAH an' Chelsea....nice!
