Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Mystery Poo Anger

Greenwich News Shopper: Covert camera demand to catch lift poo culprit

Coming up on CSI London: "Greenwich Council has blamed the mess on a dog, but at a meeting last week, calls were made for forensic tests on the poo, which residents are confident will prove it is manmade"


  1. Look no further.

    Chap on the right looks like he's pinching off a loaf as the photo was taken

  2. RobinOLocksley ( taking the stairs )6:43 pm

    "Either you just turn round and go home again or you have to hold your nose and face it." Jeez! How tall a pile are we talking about here?

  3. mingesniffah2:43 pm

    Bill Bailey's put on the beef, hasn't he?
