Saturday, April 14, 2012

Miserable desolate town anger

Northants Evening Telegraph: Miserable locals left with a face as long as a rainy Sunday over article which calls their town 'miserable and desolate'

Oh cheer up - you could live in Corby. Oh. Right. You do.

Spotter's Badger: Victor


  1. RobinOfLocksley1:19 pm

    I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what's going on here. Some bus drivers have won the lottery so they've got Olive from 'On The Buses' to hold up a newspaper with an article about it.
    Is that right?
    The famous Corby trouser press is made by Corby of Windsor, in case you've been wondering how to crowbar in something about 'Corby residents creased up' or some other such bollox.

  2. She looks like she could use cheering up & I've got just the thing... :)
