Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Meals on Wheels anger

Romford Yellow Advertiser: Fury over Meals on Wheels funding axe

I am pretty certain that this is our first ever Angry People shot to include cutlery as a prop. Well played, photographer Mark Cleveland


  1. Norkmeister11:55 am

    I'd nork her.

  2. TwoButOnlySmallLocksley1:07 pm

    I'd back off if I were you. She doesn't look too amenable, and, as you can imagine, being wheeled into A&E with a plastic fork stuck in a testicle can be a cause of pain and embarassement. Just a suggestion......

  3. Aparently the "...massive 42 per cent price increase is hard to swallow..."
    I'd give her something hot that's hard to swallow for alot less than £3.50 let alone a fiver.
