Thursday, March 01, 2012

Chinese lantern anger

Hull Daily Mail: Chinese lantern causes fire at man's home

Once they were cute. Now they are for nobbers. Don't be a nobber.

Spotter's Badge: L0wey


  1. RobinOfLocksley3:49 pm

    Zealous use of line spacing does help to show what a total load of old bollox this 'story' is.
    Either that, or I have been totally unaware, until now, of the flammability of conservatories.

  2. Jesus of Burning Chinese Laterns of DEATH and Doom to all cows!5:20 pm

    And Mrs Hanford said she had heard other stories about the damage lanterns can do.

    "I was talking to a couple of farmers and they said they had to have a cow put down because it had eaten the wires from a lantern," she said.

    There's the lesson of it all. Do not eat wires from a chinese lantern if you are a cow!

  3. Looks like the same guy from the jazz mag post, if so, he really gets around, A Victor Meldrew of sorts?.
